When we talk about merging on an energy level, we're talking about your energy joining together with another energy. In the dictionary, it defines merging as "combining or causing to combine into a single entity."
Many times, we perceive this as a problem. We lose our sense of self, absorb the energy of our friend who is describing her problems to us, and making choices against our own self-interests! Has this ever happened to you? Maybe you're having coffee with a friend, who describes her latest problems to you. Your friend goes away feeling great, but you feel a little off for the rest of the day. This is one example of how merging can be to our detriment.
On the other hand, lots of times merging is fun! When you go to a party, for example, and you're having a good time with friends or family there's a certain amount of energetic merging that happens. When you make love to your partner, you merge energies. These are enjoyable forms of merging.
There are two main problems with merging. One is when we don't know we're doing it. The other is when we don't know how to get unentangled! The common element in both of these is boundaries. Do you have boundaries on an energy level? And can you release energy that gets merged? In a psychic reading, I can look at where you are merging, why you're merging, and help you release the energy that's not yours. You can feel like yourself again!